Source Selection for Analogical Reasoning: An Empirical Approach
of it suffer from a number of limitations, including: The effectiveness of an analogical reasoner depends upon its ability to select a relevant analogical source. In many problem domains, however, too little is known about target problems to support effective source selection. This paper describes the design and evaluation of SCAVENGER, an analogical reasoner that applies two techniques to this problem: (1) An assumption-based approach to matching that allows properties of candidate sources to match unknown target properties in the absence of evidence to the contrary. (2) The use of empirical learning to improve memory organization based on problem solving experience. 1. The requirement that enough be known about the target to select a relevant source. If the target domain is poorly understood, this assumption may not be justified. 2. Reliance on a restricted retrieval vocabulary (Kolodner 1993) to specify properties the reasoner may consider in choosing useful sources. Although efficiency requires such restrictions, many retrieval methods ignore the problem of their selection by assuming an a priori definition of a retrieval vocabulary. 3. The use of context independent measures of similarity. For example, spreading activation techniques (Mitchell 1993; Thagard 1988) measure the similarity of two concepts as a function of their closeness in a semantic network. By fixing similarity measures in the structure of the network, such methods have difficulty in responding to changing problem situations. Introduction There are infinite things on earth; any one of them may be likened to any other. Likening stars to leaves is no less arbitrary than likening them to fish or birds. Jorge Luis Borges 4. Failure to consider problem solving context when organizing source memory. Many systems use clustering algorithms like UNIMEM (Lebowitz 1980) and COBWEB (Fisher 1987) to construct a hierarchical source organization. These and similar methods ignore the structure of target problems when defining hierarchies. If such approaches are to take the problem solving context into account at all, they must do so implicitly, through biases in the retrieval vocabulary. Labyrinths Analogical reasoning (Gentner 1983; Hall 1989) makes inferences about novel target problems by transferring knowledge to them from a better understood source domain. Analogical reasoners generally choose a source that is known to have properties in common with the target under the assumption that this implies further commonalities and the potential for valid inferences. While this is a reasonable heuristic, many current implementations Hoffman (1995) has demonstrated that reliance upon a single "form, format or ontology" for background knowledge will obscure many analogies that would seem reasonable and useful to humans. These limitations restrict both the theoretical depth and practical usefulness of many current models of analogy. This paper discusses the design and evaluation of SCAVENGER, an analogical reasoner that attempts to correct these problems by (1) integrating source selection and inference in an assumption-based retrieval mechanism, and (2) using empirical learning to improve memory organization through problem solving experience. there is no guarantee that properties that characterized a useful source in one situation will be useful for other target problems. In using the ID3 learning algorithm with such potentially unsound data, we are violating many of the assumptions underlying its design. This may undermine its effectiveness. The rest of this paper examines SCAVENGER's design and its ability to overcome these problems. The SCAVENGER Architecture Like most analogical reasoners, SCAVENGER organizes its source base under a hierarchical index. Each index node describes properties that are common to a set of similar sources. Each node adds information to its parent, and indexes a subset of its parent's sources. SCAVENGER searches its hierarchy for nodes whose descriptions match components of the target. However, SCAVENGER takes an assumption-based approach to matching target problems with the patterns stored at index nodes: It requires properties known for the target to match exactly, but allows properties unknown in the target to assume any values required for a match. In a sense, rather than using the target problem description to select a source, it uses it to eliminate sources known to be irrelevant. Unlike approaches that treat retrieval and inference as separate steps, assumption-based retrieval integrates analogical inference with source selection. Although we have tested SCAVENGER on several domains (Stubblefield 1995), this paper discusses its application to the problem of diagnosing children's errors in simple subtraction problems (Brown and VanLehn 1980; Burton 1982; VanLehn 1990). Where their DEBUGGY system used an analytic approach that considered all likely bugs in forming a diagnosis, we have used their diagnostic models and problem data to ask a different question: Can SCAVENGER learn enough to make effective first guesses about the cause of an error without performing an extensive analysis? There are several reasons this is an interesting test for SCAVENGER's retrieval algorithm: 1. Although human teachers are generally good at inferring the cause of a student's error, it seems unlikely that they use DEBUGGY's analytic methods. It is more likely that they recognize similarities between current problems and those they have seen in the past. This suggests the use of some form of analogical reasoning. On constructing a successful analogy, SCAVENGER updates its hierarchy by specializing the node that led to retrieval of the relevant analogical sources. Empirical memory management selects properties that best distinguish successful analogies from their competitors by using a variation of the ID3 learning algorithm (Quinlan 1986). It then uses these properties to refine the index hierarchy. By limiting the properties it considers to those that were effective in solving target problems, SCAVENGER both eliminates the need for a priori restrictions on its retrieval vocabulary, and considers problem solving experience in organizing source memory. 2. Subtraction problems offer few surface cues to the underlying causes of mistakes. This makes them a difficult challenge for an analogical reasoner. 3. A single error may result from multiple interacting bugs, further complicating diagnosis. SCAVENGER represents analogical sources as class and method definitions using the Common LISP Object System. The source base used in these tests is a set of LISP functions that reproduce the bugs described in (Brown and VanLehn, 1980). SCAVENGER decomposes each subtraction problem into a series of unknown operations on pairs of digits. This takes the form of a LISP program containing unknown functions. For example, in diagnosing the cause of the erroneous subtraction: Although promising, this approach raises a number of questions and potential problems: 1. If little is known about a target problem, assumption-based retrieval will allow many potentially contradictory matches. It is possible that the overhead of maintaining these alternative hypotheses may cancel any advantage it provides over exhaustive search of all sources. 634 468 = 276 SCAVENGER reformulates the problem as a 2. Because analogy is an unsound inference method, sequence of LISP function evaluations: a different failure of one step in this model. In order to avoid representational biases that might distort our evaluation of SCAVENGER, we described each bug according to the stage of this model it effects. This yielded 6 bug descriptors: (#:G873 4 8 w) -> ? (#:G874 3 6 w) -> ? (#:G875 6 4 w) -> ? (show-result w) -> 276 In this target, w is an instance of the class workingmemory. w contains two slots: a borrow slot that records the value to be decremented from the next column, and a result slot that accumulates the column results as the program proceeds. Show-result returns the result accumulated in working memory. The methods, #:G873, #:G874 and #:G875, indicate unknown target operations. SCAVENGER diagnoses the error by finding an analogical mapping of target methods onto source operators that reproduces the erroneous behavior. 1. normal-op. This describes normal subtraction. 2. transpose-error. An error in which the student subtracts the top digit from the bottom digit. 3. borrow-error. Any failure in borrowing, such as failing to borrow, or always borrowing. 4. decrement-error. Any failure in decrementing the digit borrowed from. 5. subtract-error. A failure in subtracting digits, such as assuming that n-0 = 0. The source library contains methods for subtracting digits. Each of these takes two digits and an instance of working-memory, and returns an integer. Sources include the normal-subtract method and such error methods as borrow-no-decrement, borrow-from-zero, always-borrow, etc. For example, borrow-no-decrement borrows under the appropriate circumstances, but fails to decrement the column borrowed from. 6. add-error. Adding instead of subtracting. For example, borrow-no-decrement is represented by: Operator: borrow-no-decrement Signature: digit x digit x working-memory -> digit Description: (decrement-error) Definition: (defmethod . . . ) ; the LISP definition SCAVENGER stores sources under a hierachical index, where each node contains the signature and description shared by a class of similar operators. In the example hierarchy of Figure 1, the root contains no description pattern, and the child node describes borrow-no-decrement and 10 similar operators. Trying alternative mappings onto the target operators, SCAVENGER eventually reproduces the behavior seen in the target problem. In the example, it diagnoses the error's cause as a borrow-nodecrement bug: (normal-subtract 4 8 w) -> 6 (borrow-no-decrement 3 6 w) -> 7 signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: (decrement-error) Root References all sources operator: borrow-no-decrement signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: decrement-error Source base (10 additional matchin operators) (borrow-no-decrement 6 4 w) -> 2 (show-result w) -> 276 Assumption-based Retrieval Each operator in SCAVENGER's source base is stored along with: 1. Its signature, specifying the types of its arguments. Types used in this problem include a digit type, and sub-types for each individual digit (0, 1, . . .). For example, the signature of the borrowfrom-zero operator is: Figure 1 In searching this hierarchy, SCAVENGER forms and evaluates alternative hypotheses about the target. Each hypothesis results from a different sequence of index matches, and reflects different assumptions about the target. SCAVENGER constructs and evaluates hypotheses using the following algorithm: digit-0 x digit x working-memory -> digit The numbers and types of arguments are the only information SCAVENGER uses to restrict matches between targets and sources. 2. A description of the bug. The original DEBUGGY research derived bugs from a procedural model of subtraction skills (Brown and VanLehn 1980; Burton 1982; VanLehn 1990). Each bug represents 1. Create an initial hypothesis based on the root node, in which no targets are matched. Move down the hierarchy, creating a new hypothesis for every matching index by: 1.1. For each hypothesis, examine the children of the most specific index node that it has already matched. hypotheses, based on the initial match with the root, and a match between the child node and each target operator (#:G873, #G874 and #:G875). SCAVENGER evaluates each hypothesis in turn by retrieving all source operators referenced under the matching index. For example, evaluating the match between target #:G873 and the child node of Figure 1, produced 11 partial analogies, including one that eventually led to a correct diagnosis: 1.2. For each match between the description stored at a child index and an unmatched target operator in the hypothesis, create a new hypothesis. In it, record the matching index, the target that is matched, and transfer the index signature and description to the target operator. 1.3. Repeat 1.1 & 1.2 until no more hypothesis are produced. 2. Sort all hypotheses according to heuristic merit. #:G873 -----> borrow-no-decrement #:G874 -----> ? 3. Trying each hypothesis in order, retrieve all sources stored under its matching indices, and construct a partial analogy for each consistent combination of retrieved sources. #:G875 -----> ? SCAVENGER generates and tests all possible extensions to each partial analogy. 4. Complete each of these partial analogies using all sources that match the remaining target methods. Note that a single partial analogy may have multiple completions. Although a given error may have different possible diagnoses, SCAVENGER stops after finding the first. This is not as thorough as the approach taken by DEBUGGY, but it fits our stated goal of testing SCAVENGER's ability to efficiently find relevant analogies. 5. Test each candidate analogy by attempting to reproduce the target behavior. Repeat steps 3 5 until finding an analogy that duplicates the target behavior. Matching (step 1) uses type information stored at an index to prevent invalid matches. For example, the digit 5 cannot match the type digit-0. On matching, the index signature and source description transfer to the target. This can restrict further extensions to the hypothesis as described in (Stubblefield 1995). #:G873 operator: borrow-no-decrement signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: decrement-error #:G874 operator: normal-subtract signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: normal-op #:G875 operator: borrow-no-decrement signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: decrement-error successful analogy #:G873 operator: borrow-no-decrement signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: decrement-error #:G874 operator: normal-subtract signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: normal-op #:G875 operator: normal-subtract signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: normal-op failed analogy The heuristics of step 2 use the information transferred to the target under step 1 to rank hypotheses. The heuristics used in this problem were (1) a specificity criterion that preferred matches deeper in the hierarchy, and (2) a simplicity criterion that favored matches that transferred the fewest different source descriptions to the target. (Stubblefield 1995) discussses the use of assumptions made in retrieval to evaluate competing hypotheses. Because SCAVENGER uses assumed information to match index nodes, it must evaluate all hypotheses, whether produced by internal or leaf nodes. If all other indices fail to produce a viable analogy, the algorithm will eventually "fail back" to the root, where it effects an exhaustive search of the source base. Since this process may generate the same analogies several times, SCAVENGER keeps a list of previously tried analogies, and checks it to avoid testing the same analogy twice. Although this adds to the algorithm's overhead, the results of section 3 show that it does not outweigh its benefits. Figure 2 Empirical Memory Management When an analogy correctly reproduces the target behavior, SCAVENGER specializes the index that led to its construction according to the algorithm: In step 4, SCAVENGER completes a hypothesized analogy by matching each of its unmatched targets with all matching sources. Consequently, a single partial analogy can have many completions. 1. Consider the index whose match led to the successful analogy. This may be either a leaf or an internal index node. Continuing with the example problem, assumption-based retrieval produces four 2. For each target function in the successful analogy that was not matched to an index pattern but matched a source when the partial analogy was extended: It is important to note that SCAVENGER is using ID3's evaluation function differently than was originally intended. Each specialization of the index hierarchy results from a different target problem. Since an analogy that proved useful for solving one problem will not necessarily be correct for another, the examples used to construct the indices lack the global consistency usually assumed by ID3. In addition, since SCAVENGER stops evaluating analogies on finding one that solves the target problem, many of the analogies evaluated in step 2.2 may not have been tested. SCAVENGER assumes these to be failures. One of the questions we consider in the next section concerns the algorithm's ability to produce a useful hierarchy under these circumstances. 2.1. Use the signature and description transferred to that function in the successful analogy to partition all analogies produced at the index into matching and non-matching sets. 2.2. Using ID3's information theoretic evaluation function (Quinlan 1986), rank each partition according to its ability to distinguish successful and failed analogies. 2. Create a new child node using the function description that best partitioned the candidate analogies. For example, Figure 2 shows a successful and a failed analogy that resulted from the match of target #:G873 with the index node of Figure 1. Figure 3 shows two potential extensions to the index of Figure 1, resulting from the respective mappings of #:G874 onto normal-op, and #:G875 onto borrow-no-decrement in the successful analogy. Candidate child node #1 partitions the analogies considered into those that mapped #:G875 onto a source operator from the set of decrement-errors and those that gave this target function a different interpretation. Candidate child node #2 partitions them into those that mapped #:G874 onto normal-op and those that gave it a different interpretation. Evaluating SCAVENGER We evaluated SCAVENGER on a Power Macintosh 6100 computer. The source base consisted of 67 operators. Although this is less than the 97 bugs that were considered in the original DEBUGGY work, many of those were either combinations of simpler bugs or restrictions of bugs to a specific context (e.g., the leftmost column). Consequently, SCAVENGER was able to duplicate all the original bugs when constructing analogies. We randomly chose 500 buggy subtractions from VanLehn's (1990) study of children's subtraction; to these, we added the correct solutions to the problems, producing a set of 575 potential test problems. Our test procedure randomly chose 161 problems from this set, dividing them into a training set containing 75 problems, and a test set containing 86 problems. Root signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: decrement-eror signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: normal-op signature: digit x digit x w -> digit description: decrement-eror candidate child node #2 (later eliminated) candidate child node #1 Run # 0 400 80
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